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Accounting   a trusting partnership accounting for your unique needs

Keeping your finances in balance

Male & Co. Accounting Services is here in Broome to help you minimise and manage your annual taxation commitment with sound advice and accurate financial reports, as you need them.

The new tax environment is growing in complexity. With new rules and regulations, more tax audits and stiffer penalties: the importance of tax planning and knowledge has become important for every individual or business.

We can keep you on top of these changes by providing you with accurate information throughout the year - not just when your tax is due. And we have a range of services for you to choose from:

How can Male&Co. help you?

Assisting to set your budget including personal cash flow management and business budgeting; such as ration analysis and KPI monitoring and reporting

Helping you plan for the future viability and liquidity for your business and planning future finance

Set up self managed super funds

Manage Personal Superannuation Funds

Prepare accounts & lodge all compliance




Budget & Cashflow




Registered Tax Agents

Preparation of all tax returns including individuals, Partnerships, Business, Company, Self Managed Super Funds and Trusts

Preparation of Special Purpose Financial Reports

Taxation planning to help you manage your tax obligations and plan ahead. Includes Income Tax, Capital Gain Tax, Fringe Benefits Tax & GST

Business Advice &

Corporate Administration

GST - assisting you with any difficult GST situations

BAS - Preparing and reviewing your Business Activity Statements (BAS) and Instalment Activity Statements (IAS) to ensure compliance is met

Setup and Advice on Entity Structures including, Partnerships, Business, Company, Self Managed Super Funds and Trusts

Workflow Efficiency - Assessing your current processes and devise strategies for improving the effectiveness and efficiency of your operations

Valuations - Providing accurate information in a range of commercial and legal situation and helping you make  the best decisions

Financial Mentoring - Setting a key performance indicators for you and/or your business and regularly reviewing them

Financial Structuring - Providing advice that maximises and protects your assets and interests in the most tax effective way

Succession Planning - Advice and strategies to assist a smooth transition of decision making as the management team changes

ABN and GST Registration

MYOB Software Training and Supply


Whether you'd like to grow your business or maximise your personal tax return, we have here to go beyond the compliance work to assist you. Male & Co. keeps abreast of new policies, trends and procedures to ensure all your business and personal accounting needs are met.

With a wide range of services and a convenient location in the centre of Broome, you and your business can benefit a partnership with Male & Co.

Download Checklists:


Individual Tax Return Checklist


Rental Property Checklist

Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation

Male & Co. Accounting Services

is a CPA Practice

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